Monday, February 21, 2005
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Sunday, February 06, 2005
'String', 2004/5, watercolour on paper, 550x350mm, $450. This painting stemmed from a continuing interest in naturally occuring pattern seen in macro mode. You can also see here a motif that recurs in my paintings and an interest in the random effects of wet on wet watercolour and wax resist. (Click on the painting for a closer view).

'boy sleeping', 2004, pastel on watercolour paper, 360x270mm, $450. This little pastel began my serious foray into pastels and coincided with the purchase of a beautiful range of Italian chalk pastels. My model was Luca, wrapped in his quilt with the morning sun shining on him through the window. This sparked a series using the same theme and playing with textured bases.